Wednesday, August 29, 2012

So You Think Your Gas Mileage Sucks?

According to FoxNews, all new cars and trucks sold in the U.S. will have to average 54.5 mpg by 2025. Wait, that's a lot! Average is the key word in this statement. By introducing more electric and alternative fueled vehicles, automotive manufacturers will be able to leverage gas-guzzling models with cars that run on farts sustainable fuels. These regulations are referred to as CAFE, or Corporate Average Fuel Economy rules for those that do not like coffee. 

These changes will not occur overnight. A previous deal that mandates cars and trucks to average 35.5 mpg in 2016 is already in effect, and the requirements will increase after until 2025.

This is nine years down the road. New cars being made today are far superior compared to nine years ago. In 2003, an average midsize car with 30 or more mpg was not the norm. If your average mid sized car does not have over 40mpg in 2012, you most likely drive a sports car or a tank.

Do you drive a tank?

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