About Club Dirty Auto

My name is Michael, and I am obsessed with cars.

No, i'm not Speed Racer
I was born and raised in Perth, Western Australia. Australia has such a rich car culture, so that's my excuse for being obsessed. Long story short, I now live in the United States in the state of Virginia, where the car culture is very different. It is not bad or lacking, just very secluded and harder to come across. My hopes with Club Dirty Auto is to expand the car culture in a positive manner to not only Virginia, but anyone that comes to the internet looking for automotive-ness. Since my roots are from Australia, I am fairly biased towards the V8 Supercar racing series. Nonetheless, anything automotive I feel passionately about.

I worked for Advance Auto Parts for about 4 years right about the time when I started college. I learned a lot of good(and bad things) about the automotive world in my time there, but am fortunate to have had that experience. Being out of college means there are a lot more car related events that I am able to take part of. A goal has been to impact the automotive industry in a positive way.

So I started Club Dirty Auto

My hopes is to bring similar minded guys/gals together and share this passion in a constructive way, both making the car community stronger and shining a good image to anyone interested. I am passionate about good car deals and the connections you make with anyone who has a passion for anything automotive. Anything cool I find and discover is fair game, as well as any tips or details into any automotive work I have done.

What is "Club Dirty"?
The term "Club Dirty" originally started as seeing cars around and about that looked like someone cared for them, referring to the cars as "Club Dirty". From there the idea of Club Dirty was born, but not yet refined. To be honest, it still is not refined completely. This is what makes it interesting, allowing for change of focus while still staying true to the automotive culture.

"Oh man! Look at that sweet car in my rear-view mirror . That thing is Club Dirty."

 If you have any suggestions or would like to learn more, email me (Michael Seymour) at mseymour@clubdirtyauto.com

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